Patrick Adrian Traber

Young entrepreneur / visionary / investor
(single, born in Männedorf ZH on 27.08.1990, resident in Zurich Switzerland)

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1My vision
My name is Patrick Adrian Traber, single, born in Männedorf ZH on 27 August 1990 and, like everyone, I naturally wish for more peace and love in the world. But my vision is different: I want to build the largest community network in Switzerland with the Uniestro Community Genossenschaft (i.Gr.).
I don't want the comrades to go through the same ordeal that I had to/was allowed to go through, but I want the community to help them achieve financial and, above all, true success through self-realisation more quickly.
3Geopolitical situation
Since the state is very busy with the geopolitical situation, it can happen that the population suffers from a lack of personal support. I want to put an end to this and support people in all economic, health, structural, emotional and interpersonal matters.


1Young entrepreneur
I am a young entrepreneur who has managed over 100 people in the private sector and several hundred soldiers in the Swiss army. I founded my first company, a sole proprietorship, at the age of 22. About four months later I founded my first public limited company and after another five months my first holding company.
2Winning and losing
I know what it means to have a seven-figure sum in your account, lose everything and start all over again. If I don't know something that I need to know, I teach myself - I've been constantly educating myself since I left school.
My biggest weaknesses are saying ‘no’ and ‘perfectionism’. I am working on both of these weaknesses. My greatest strengths are my will, ambition, courage and always moving forward. I started my entrepreneurial career in the private sector over 11 years ago. I have had many ups and downs. My motto is that it always goes on and I have to stay on the ball.



1Goals in the SME sector
My goal is to build up one of the largest commercial law firms in the SME sector in Switzerland and the DACH region. At almost 34 years old, I have an above-average amount of practical experience in the business sector. I expect to complete my EMBA in 2025.
2Experience makes perfect
I realised early on that I was a very good salesman. My first sale was at the age of five, when I sold chives from our garden to other children. In the meantime, I have also gained sales experience in the telecommunications, healthcare, electronic mobility devices (I sold the first three M-Way products, but I wasn't their salesman, I was the security specialist and responsible for opening the first M-Way) and insurance sectors.
3The generational shift
Due to the generational shift to the millennials, Y and Z generations, I see the demands and thinking change on a daily basis. This will have a significant impact on the entire fiduciary, legal and business sectors. Work processes must be digitalised as far as possible and the time gained as a result must be invested in personal customer contact. I see my customers more as ‘partners’. The better and more successful my ‘partners’ are, the better and more successful my company is. A strong brand is also essential for identification. With the UNIESTRO company brand, I have been successfully implementing this for almost three years.



In short, I am a management consultant with a broad knowledge of economics and a strong background in sales (of natural and legal persons). With the company brand UNIESTRO, I have been successfully implementing this for almost three years.

Professional background (PDF)


Year Description
1996 – 2007 School with secondary school leaving certificate A

2006 – 2009 Youth leader
2006 – 2008 Parish council (Bazenheid Catholic Church)
2007 – 2009 Board of the Young CVP Toggenburg
2007 – 2010 Apprenticeship as a bricklayer (structural engineering) EFZ
2010 – 2010
Training in sales as an insurance salesman
2011 – 2011 Training with SBSS certificate (security & surveillance)
2013 Founding of first company (sole proprietorship)
2013 Foundation of first public limited company
2014 Foundation of first holding company
Year Description
2014 Foundation of further public limited companies and limited liability companies
2014 - 2015 Training as insurance broker VBV
2015 Foundation of own political party (FAP)
2016 Entry in the Finma register of intermediaries
2016 Foundation of first cooperative
2016 Foundation of first franchising system
2017 Entry in the Cicero Register
2022 Start of HF business economist programme
2022 - 2023 Higher Business Diploma tBI
2024 Start of Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)


There's nothing like a personal meeting. Give me a call or make an appointment with me right away. Send me an e-mail with your address, telephone number and your wishes and I will get back to you

Traber Group
Patrick Adrian Traber

Frankentalerstrasse 1
CH – 8049 Zurich

Visit me and Uniestro on social media

Patrick A. Traber

Patrick A. Traber

Patrick A. Traber

Patrick A. Traber

Patrick A. Traber



Uniestro Community

Other websites and projects



Perfect concepts

Since becoming self-employed, I have been developing and creating concepts for the following sectors: management consultancy, fiduciary services, legal services, notary services, administration of natural and legal persons.

The industry is changing

This industry will change enormously with increasing digitalisation, as will the demands of customers towards us service providers.

I look forward to seeing you

I would be delighted to get to know you in an initial personal meeting. Please contact me if I have aroused your interest.